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Earthquake Hazards Program

USGS Energy and Broadband Solution

Sample Energy Solution and Explanation of Parameters

Southern India                    | Geographic region
01/01/26 03:16:41 UTC             | Date and origin time (UTC)
Epicenter: 23.40N 70.32E          | Epicenter:  Latitude and Longitude 
Broadband Source Parameters:      |    
ENERGY MAGNITUDE       Me   7.7   | Energy magnitude.
RADIATED ENERGY                   | 
Energy           7.0*10**15 Nm    | Radiated energy in Newton-Meters.  
No. of sta: 10  Focal mech.  F    | Number of stations used. 
                                  | Type of focal mechanism used: 
                                  |  F (broadband fault plane solution) or 
                                  |  M (Rapid Moment Tensor solution).
BROADBAND DEPTH:        16.0 km   | Depth from synthetics or 
                                  | differential travel-times of depth 
                                  | phases from broadband displacement
                                  | seismograms.  
NP1:Strike=300 Dip=45 Slip= 120   | Nodal planes of double-couple focal 
NP2:        81     52        6    | mechanism from synthetics of 
Principal Axes:                   | broadband displacement waveforms.  
T              Plg=69  Azm=289    |
P                   4      189    |

COMMENT: Complex earthquake observed on broadband displacement 
seismograms. A small event is followed by a larger one about 
2 seconds later. Focal mechanism and  depth based on second event.


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