2007 July 26 18:12:38 UTC
Earthquake Details
Magnitude | 5.7 |
Date-Time |
= Coordinated Universal Time = local time at epicenter |
Location | 62.864°S, 155.890°E |
Depth | 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program |
Distances | 510 km (320 miles) NW of Young Island, Balleny Islands 870 km (540 miles) ENE of Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica 2715 km (1680 miles) SSW of WELLINGTON, New Zealand 3105 km (1930 miles) S of CANBERRA, A.C.T., Australia |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 28.2 km (17.5 miles); depth fixed by location program |
Parameters | Nst= 22, Nph= 22, Dmin=>999 km, Rmss=1.76 sec, Gp= 79°, M-type=moment magnitude (Mw), Version=6 |
Source |
Event ID | us2007fgcz |
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
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Earthquake Summary
Tsunami Information
- West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
- NOAA Tsunami Warning Center
- Recent Tsunamis
- Tsunami Information Links
The earthquake locations and magnitudes cited in these bulletins are very preliminary, and may disagree with the more accurate USGS locations and magnitudes computed using more extensive data sets.
- Preliminary Earthquake Report
- U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver