Magnitude 4.5 - CENTRAL PERU
2007 July 26 16:21:06 UTC
Earthquake Details
Magnitude | 4.5 |
Date-Time |
= Coordinated Universal Time = local time at epicenter |
Location | 14.197°S, 73.398°W |
Depth | 55.6 km (34.5 miles) |
Distances | 100 km (60 miles) NE of Puquio, Peru 145 km (90 miles) SE of Ayacucho, Peru 175 km (105 miles) WSW of Cuzco, Peru 460 km (285 miles) ESE of LIMA, Peru |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 33.4 km (20.8 miles); depth +/- 18.6 km (11.6 miles) |
Parameters | Nst= 11, Nph= 11, Dmin=446 km, Rmss=0.95 sec, Gp=140°, M-type=body magnitude (Mb), Version=S |
Source |
Event ID | us2007fgbs |
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
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- Preliminary Earthquake Report
- U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver