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Earthquake Hazards Program

World Data Center for Seismology, Denver and International Seismological Centre
International Registry of Seismograph Stations

Landeserdbebendienst Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, Germany

Code Latitude Longitude Elevation Status Station Name
BIW 50.7308 7.8373 360.0 Open Bindweide
BLI 50.2323 6.2877 468.0 Open Bleialf
DUP 49.4113 6.7863 280.0 Open Düppenweiler
FACH 50.3563 7.9938 110.0 Open Fachingen
FSH 50.0763 7.1087 350.0 Open Hochheid
IMS 49.5940 7.9008 350.0 Open Imsbach
PEB 49.0667 7.7167 325.0 Open Petersbächel
RIVT 49.7082 6.7653 269.0 Open Riveris

Inquiries should be directed to: Julie Martinez


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