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Earthquake Hazards Program

World Data Center for Seismology, Denver and International Seismological Centre
International Registry of Seismograph Stations

State Water Works Division (DSI), Ankara, Turkey

Code Latitude Longitude Elevation Status Station Name
AYS 36.8955 31.5736 565.0 Open Ayseler
DGT 41.4258 35.0655 255.0 Open Duragan
FAT 36.9065 31.5136 472.0 Open Fatmalar
KOL 41.4243 35.7961 145.0 Open Kolay
SGT 36.9438 31.5008 205.0 Reserved Sevinç
VEZ 41.1305 35.4627 387.0 Open Vezirköprü

Inquiries should be directed to: Julie Martinez


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