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Earthquake Hazards Program

Global SearchGlobal Search

This form allows you to select the necessary parameters to perform a GLOBAL search for earthquakes.

Select Output File Type:

    1. Expanded File Format with Headers and Spaces
    2. Compressed File Format
    3. Screen File Format (80 columns)
    4. Generate Map (This option takes time; please be patient.)
    5. Spreadsheet Format (comma delimited)

Search Parameters

Select the Data Base:

    USGS/NEIC (PDE) 1973 - Present
         USGS/NEIC (PDE-Q) Most Recent Events ( 2007 06 18 - 2007 07 27 )
    Significant Worldwide Earthquakes (2150 B.C. - 1994 A.D.)
    Significant U.S. Earthquakes (1568 - 1989)
    California, 1735 -1974
    Canada, 1568 - 1992
    India, 1063 - 1984
    Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, 1900 - 1979
    South America, 1471 - 1981
    Eastern, Central and Mountain States of U.S., 1534 - 1986

Optional Search Parameters:


    Starting Year Starting Month Starting Day
    Ending Year  Ending Month  Ending Day


    Minimum Magnitude Maximum Magnitude


    Minimum Depth Maximum Depth


    Minimum Intensity Maximum Intensity

See also:


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