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Earthquake Hazards Program

Earthquake Search


INFORMATION (IEFM DTSVNWG on Screen Search): Dots are used in place of blanks to aid in the distinction between the columns. Read the sub-headers vertically.

Intensity (sub-header INT):
Maximum intensity on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale of 1931 (Wood and Neumann, 1931) or any similar 12-point intensity scale. It may also be an MMI value approximated from other intensity scales such as Ross-Forel or Japan Meteorological Agency. Possible intensity values are 1 - 9; X = 10; E = 11; T = 12.

Cultural Effects (sub-header EFF):
The most severe effect is listed (C = Casualities; D = Damage; F = Felt; H = Heard). Note that casualties includes human deaths or injuries. Domestic animal casualties are considered to be damage.

Isoseismal Map (sub-header MAP): (Expanded Format only)
Indicates the publication where an isoseismal map for this event has been published.

U = United States Earthquakes.
E = Earthquake Notes. (Now Seismological Research Letters)
P = Preliminary Determination of Epicenters.
W = Wellington (New Zealand Seismology Reports, Wellington, N.Z.).
N = Nature Magazine.
S = Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
Fault Plane Solution (sub-header FPS):
Coded as an "F" to indicate the availability of a fault plane solution in the publication, "Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, Monthly Listing".

Moment Tensor Solution (sub-header MO):
Coded as an "G" to indicate the availability of a moment tensor solution in the publication "Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, Monthly Listing" (Sipkin, 1982; Dziewonski, 1980; and Hanks and others, 1979).

ISC Alternate Depth Indicator (sub-header DEP):
A "D" in this column indicates that a pP depth is given, but the pP depth is not the adopted depth in the hypocenter solution.

International Data Exchange (sub-header IDE):
An "X" in this column identifies the event as a "IDE" earthquake.

Preferred Solution (sub-header PFD):
A "P" in this column designates a preferred solution. Earthquake hypocenters which are located within a seismic network, such as Pasadena or Berkeley, or seismic catalogs which have undergone critical review during their compilation will be designated as a preferred solution.

Flag (sub-header FLG): Currently not used.


Diastrophism: (sub-header D)

F = Faulting.
U = Uplift.
S = Subsidence.
3 = Uplift and Subsidence.
4 = Uplift and Faulting.
5 = Faulting and Subsidence.
6 = Faulting with Uplift and Subsidence.
7 = Uplift or Subsidence.
8 = Faulting and Uplift or Subsidence.

Tsunami: (sub-header T)

T = Tsunami generated.
Q = Questionable Tsunami.

Seiche: (sub-header S)

S = Seiche.
Q = Questionable Seiche.

Volcanism: (sub-header V)

V = Earthquake associated with volcanism.

Non-Tectonic: (sub-header N)

E = Explosion.
I = Collapse.
C = Coal bump or Rockburst in a coal mine.
R = Rockburst.
M = Meteoritic.
N = Either known to be or likely to be of non-tectonic origin.
? = Classified as an earthquake, but a non-tectonic origin cannot be ruled out.
V = Reservoir induced earthquake.

Guided Waves in Atmospheric And/Or Ocean: (sub-header W)

T = T-wave.
A = Acoustic wave.
G = Gravity wave.
B = Both A and G.
M = T-wave plus and A or G.

Miscellaneous Phenomena: (sub-header G)

L = Liquefaction.
G = Geyser.
S = Landslides and/or Avalanches.
B = Sandblows.
C = Ground cracks not known to be an expression of faulting.
V = Lights or other visual phenomena seen.
O = Olfactory (Unusual odors noted).
M = More than one of these phenomena observed.


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