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Earthquake Hazards Program
Phase Data

Explanation of Parameters

     24 JUL 2007  (205)

     ot  = 18:01:37.79   +/-   0.66              SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS           
     lat =     -26.517   +/-   12.0
     lon =    -176.436   +/-   14.8              MAGNITUDE 4.7 (GS)       
     dep =        35.0  (geophysicist)

     335 km (205 miles) NNE of Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands
     595 km (370 miles) NNE of L'Esperance Rock, Kermadec Islands
     1410 km (880 miles) NE of Auckland, New Zealand
     1830 km (1130 miles) NNE of WELLINGTON, New Zealand

     nph =   18 of  20    se = 1.34    FE=171                            B   

     error ellipse = (103.5,  0.0, 19.8;193.5,  0.0, 15.5;  0.0,  0.0,  0.0)

 mb = 4.7 ( 13)  ML = 4.8 (  1)  mblg = 4.7 (  1)  md = 0.0 (  0)  MS = 0.0 (  0)

 sta  phase     arrival     res   dist azm    amp  per mag     amp  per mag  sta
 RAO  ePn     18:02:22.72  -0.4    3.0 205 d:1.1+2     4.4X L:3.7+0 .73 4.8  RAO 
      eSn     18:02:58.70  S res =   0.5X  g:2.3+0 .73 4.7 
 AFI  ePn     18:04:35.79  -8.2X  13.3  20                                   AFI 
 CTAO eP      18:08:26.68   1.5   34.8 273 b:1.5+1 .80 5.0                   CTAO
 STKA qP      18:08:43.02   0.1   36.9 252 b:1.6+1 1.5 4.7                   STKA
 WB2  eP      18:09:52.29  -1.6   45.5 268                                   WB2 
 WRAB eP      18:09:53.02  -0.9   45.5 268 b:7.9+0 .95 4.6                   WRAB
 VNDA eP      18:10:43.54  -0.2   52.1 186 b:2.2+0 .95 4.1                   VNDA
 SBA  eP      18:10:45.47   2.3   52.0 184 b:7.5+0 1.0 4.6                   SBA 
 MBWA qP      18:11:28.23   0.0   58.1 261 b:7.7+0 1.0 4.7                   MBWA
 CASY eP      18:11:34.86  -0.2   59.2 207 b:1.8+1 1.1 5.1                   CASY
 QSPA eP      18:12:04.81   0.0   63.6 180 b:3.0+1 .70 5.5                   QSPA
 MAW  eP      18:13:24.45   1.2   76.4 200 b:5.3+0 .70 4.7                   MAW 
 SNAA eP      18:13:52.07  -1.7   82.0 178 b:4.2+0 1.1 4.4                   SNAA
 YSS  eP      18:13:54.91   1.6   81.9 333 b:1.0+1 .80 4.9                   YSS 
 ISA  eP      18:13:57.49   0.2   82.6  44 b:8.3+0 1.1 4.7                   ISA 
 CMB  qP      18:13:59.21   0.0   83.0  41                                   CMB 
 CHTO eP      18:14:52.30   1.5   93.6 289 b:1.6+0 .55 4.7                   CHTO
 MALT ePKPdf  18:21:15.46  -2.0  148.5 301                                   MALT
 KIEV ePKPbc  18:21:20.05  -1.5  148.9 328                                   KIEV

 Generated 2007 JUL 26 at 15:29 UTC

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver


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