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Earthquake Hazards Program
Phase Data

Explanation of Parameters

     17 JUL 2007  (198)

     ot  = 10:35:58.07   +/-   0.62              TANZANIA                        
     lat =      -2.640   +/-   12.4
     lon =      35.919   +/-   17.5              MAGNITUDE 4.3 (GS)       
     dep =        10.0  (geophysicist)

115 km (75 miles) NW of Arusha, Tanzania (pop 102,000)
180 km (110 miles) SW of NAIROBI, Kenya
265 km (165 miles) S of Nakuru, Kenya
595 km (370 miles) NW of DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania

     nph =    7 of   9    se = 0.71    FE=573                            B   

     error ellipse = (122.3,  0.0, 26.8; 32.3,  0.0,  9.7;  0.0,  0.0,  0.0)

 mb = 4.3 (  3)  ML = 4.3 (  1)  mblg = 4.6 (  1)  md = 0.0 (  0)  MS = 0.0 (  0)

 sta  phase     arrival     res   dist azm    amp  per mag     amp  per mag  sta
 KMBO ePn     10:36:31.80  -0.5    2.0  42 L:4.9+0 .73 4.3                   KMBO
      eS      10:36:56.09  S res =  -1.5X
 LSZ  ePn     10:39:25.58  -0.6   14.7 211 g:2.5-1 1.0 4.6                   LSZ 
      eLg     10:43:22.47
 LBTB eP      10:41:17.50   0.9   24.4 203 b:6.2+0 .84 4.3                   LBTB
 BOSA eP      10:41:47.01  -0.3   27.8 200 b:7.4+0 .81 4.5                   BOSA
 TOA0 eP      10:43:11.93  -0.1   37.4 296                                   TOA0
 MK31 eP      10:46:30.91  -0.1   63.9  34                                   MK31
 KURK eP      10:46:35.33   0.7   64.4  29 b:1.8+0 .92 4.3                   KURK

 Generated 2007 JUL 24 at 06:02 UTC

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver


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