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Earthquake Hazards Program
Phase Data

Explanation of Parameters

     13 JUL 2007  (194)

     ot  = 16:07:46.56   +/-   0.32              SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA        
     lat =     -10.535   +/-    7.7
     lon =     108.307   +/-    7.6              MAGNITUDE 4.7 (GS)       
     dep =        30.7  (depth phases)

     290 km (180 miles) E of Christmas Island
     355 km (220 miles) S of Tasikmalaya, Java, Indonesia
     380 km (235 miles) SW of Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia
     515 km (320 miles) SSE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

     nph =   28 of  48    se = 0.90    FE=282                            A   

     error ellipse = (224.7,  0.0, 12.1;134.7,  0.0,  7.5;  0.0,  0.0,  0.0)

 mb = 4.7 ( 20)  ML = 0.0 (  0)  mblg = 4.2 (  1)  md = 0.0 (  0)  MS = 0.0 (  0)

 sta  phase     arrival     res   dist azm    amp  per mag     amp  per mag  sta
 XMIS ePn     16:08:27.95   1.2    2.6 271                                   XMIS
 COCO qP      16:10:22.27  -4.7X  11.4 261 b:6.9+1 .72 6.0X                  COCO
 MBWA ePn     16:11:14.42  -5.1X  15.2 135 g:8.3-2 .98 4.2  b:8.3+1 .98 5.0  MBWA
      eSn     16:13:48.95  S res = -18.4X
 FITZ eP      16:11:57.71  -1.5   18.4 116                                   FITZ
      eS      16:15:02.41  S res = -21.7X
 WB2  eP      16:13:24.53   0.5   26.8 114                                   WB2 
 WRAB eP      16:13:24.64   0.7   26.8 114 b:1.5+1 1.1 4.5                   WRAB
 QIZ  qP      16:13:48.30   0.8   29.4   3 b:2.7+1 1.3 4.8                   QIZ 
 CHTO eP      16:13:58.69   0.8   30.6 342 b:1.1+1 1.1 4.6                   CHTO
 STKA eP      16:14:56.96   0.4   37.4 130 b:1.1+1 .98 4.7                   STKA
 CTAO eP      16:15:00.52   0.6   37.7 109 b:2.2+1 1.3 4.8                   CTAO
 LSA  eP      16:15:46.81   0.7   43.3 338 b:2.1+1 .85 4.9                   LSA 
      e       16:15:55.68  depth =  29.6X
 AML  eP      16:17:56.28  -3.2X  61.3 331 b:2.5+0 .73 4.6                   AML 
      epP     16:18:08.54  depth =  42.6X
 UCH  qP      16:17:56.57  -0.9   61.0 332 b:1.9+0 .78 4.3                   UCH 
 TKM2 eP      16:17:57.00  -0.5   61.0 333 b:2.1+1 .63 5.4                   TKM2
      epP     16:18:05.61  depth =  28.0 
      esP     16:18:09.77  -0.8X
 EKS2 eP      16:18:01.12  -0.5   61.6 332 b:3.8+0 .70 4.6                   EKS2
      epP     16:18:10.21  depth =  29.6 
      e       16:18:18.45   3.7X
 MK31 eP      16:18:01.59   0.3   61.6 340                                   MK31
      epP     16:18:10.89  depth =  30.2 
 MAW  eP      16:18:18.89  -0.4   64.4 198 b:6.5+0 1.0 4.7                   MAW 
 KURK eP      16:18:32.05   0.5   66.2 340 b:1.2+1 1.0 4.9                   KURK
      epP     16:18:41.25  depth =  29.4 
 BRVK eP      16:19:01.39  -0.8   71.2 337 b:3.8+0 1.0 4.4                   BRVK
      epP     16:19:11.69  depth =  33.0 
      epP     16:19:12.47  depth =  36.4X
 SBA  eP      16:19:15.14   0.2   73.3 169 b:7.3+0 1.2 4.6                   SBA 
 YAK  eP      16:19:19.59  -0.7   74.2  10 b:3.0+1 .79 5.4                   YAK 
      epP     16:19:29.50  depth =  31.8 
 MA2  qP      16:19:39.56  -0.6   77.7  21 b:1.8+1 .86 5.1                   MA2 
 LSZ  eP      16:19:40.57  -1.5   77.9 257 b:4.9+0 .88 4.5                   LSZ 
 ARU  eP      16:19:42.61  -1.1   78.3 334 b:6.5+0 1.0 4.6                   ARU 
      epP     16:19:53.00  depth =  33.1 
 QSPA eP      16:19:49.65  -0.4   79.5 180 b:1.2+1 1.3 4.7                   QSPA
 BILL qP      16:20:33.72  -1.5   88.4  19                                   BILL
 WMOK ePKPdf  16:27:23.26   1.0  145.5  41                                   WMOK
 JCT  ePKPdf  16:27:26.32   1.1  147.2  49                                   JCT 
      ePKPbc  16:27:29.07   1.6X
 MIAR ePKPbc  16:27:33.03   1.3  148.8  36                                   MIAR
 WVT  ePKPbc  16:27:36.46   0.5  150.6  27                                   WVT 
 PLAL ePKPbc  16:27:37.59  -0.4  151.4  29                                   PLAL
      e       16:27:47.05   0.9X
 HKT  ePKPbc  16:27:37.89   2.4X 150.3  46                                   HKT 

 Generated 2007 JUL 14 at 14:38 UTC

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver


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