Phase Data
Explanation of Parameters
9 JUL 2007 (190)
ot = 16:24:02.90 +/- 0.00 COQUIMBO, CHILE
lat = -31.822 +/- 0.0
lon = -70.695 +/- 0.0
dep = 108.8 +/- 0.0
50 km (30 miles) ESE of Illapel, Chile (pop 21,000)
160 km (100 miles) NNE of Valparaiso, Chile (pop 283,000)
180 km (110 miles) N of SANTIAGO, Chile
205 km (130 miles) W of San Juan, Argentina
MD 3.2 (GUC).
nph = 5 of 10 se = 0.00 FE=127 held
error ellipse = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
mb = 0.0 ( 0) ML = 0.0 ( 0) mblg = 0.0 ( 0) md = 0.0 ( 0) MS = 0.0 ( 0)
sta phase arrival res dist azm amp per mag amp per mag sta
JACH iPc 16:24:23.10 0.3 0.9 174 JACH
iS 16:24:38.59 S res = 0.9X
TLL iPd 16:24:32.55 0.8 1.7 357 TLL
iS 16:24:54.70 S res = 1.0X
PCH eP 16:24:33.97 0.5 1.8 175 PCH
iS 16:24:56.86 S res = 0.2X
TACH iPd 16:24:34.02 0.2 1.8 186 TACH
iS 16:24:57.99 S res = 0.6X
LMEL eP 16:24:37.57 0.8 2.1 169 LMEL
iS 16:25:04.21 S res = 1.5X
Generated 2007 JUL 18 at 19:49 UTC
Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver