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Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 14:59:12 UTC

Historic USGS Moment Tensor Solutions

Historic Moment Tensor Solutions World Location
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

The most recent (20 or less) USGS Moment Tensor Solutions are shown.
Data from the Source Parameter Database.

                        E P I C E N T E R   |          MOMENT  |    P R I N C I P A L  A X E S       |N O D A L  P L A N E S | 
     DATE    TIME (UTC)   LAT      LONG  SRC|DEPTH     VAL  EX |     T            N            P     |     1           2     | %  SRC
  YR  MO DA HR MN SEC     deg      deg      |  km  Mw     Nm   |VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM|STK DP SLIP STK DP SLIP| DC
 2004 12 02 03:32:21.99  -3.375  135.413 PDE|  5.0 5.6 2.7  17 |2.73 30 216  0.03 34 103 -2.76 41 337|360 34  -11  99 84 -124| 98 GS              
 2005 05 09 04:44:33.73  -1.900  137.435 PDE| 36.0 5.4 1.5  17 |1.50 27  24  0.02 20 283 -1.52 56 161|152 26  -39 278 74 -111| 97 GS              
 2005 08 04 09:26:52.81  -3.657  140.178 PDE| 33.0 5.7 4.8  17 |4.80 73 238  0.08  3 140 -4.88 17  49|135 28   85 321 62   93| 97 GS              
 2005 08 08 08:33:56.73  -3.795  140.156 PDE| 14.0 5.8 5.5  17 |5.51  1 105 -0.03 55 197 -5.48 35  14|155 65 -155  54 67  -27| 99 GS              
 2005 08 15 03:15:55.26  -3.721  140.124 PDE|  9.0 5.5 2.2  17 |2.16  0 275  0.10 21 185 -2.26 69   5| 25 49  -62 166 49 -118| 91 GS              
 2005 12 05 05:59:45.60  -5.407  142.006 PDE|  4.0 5.5 2.6  17 |2.61 63  56 -0.01 10 307 -2.61 26 212|282 21   63 130 71  100| 99 GS              
 2006 05 24 10:11: 7.77  -2.246  139.154 PDE| 32.0 5.7 4.2  17 |4.83 29 249 -1.33 33 138 -3.50 43  11| 31 34  -14 133 82 -123| 45 GS              
 2006 05 30 03:28:50.01  -3.749  140.065 PDE|  3.0 5.9 1.0  18 |1.14 13 275 -0.19 22 180 -0.95 64  34| 31 37  -52 167 61 -115| 67 GS              
 2006 12 24 17:39: 7.35  -2.115  139.044 PDE| 12.0 5.8 5.7  17 |5.18 14 126  1.07 73 344 -6.24 10 218|262 73    3 172 88  163| 66 GS              
 2007 01 17 04:28:26.66  -3.322  139.834 PDE| 98.0 6.0 1.3  18 |1.13 74 208  0.26  2 110 -1.39 16  19|106 29   86 291 61   92| 63 GS              
 2007 01 22 04:33:18.88  -2.502  136.332 PDE| 39.0 5.8 7.2  17 |7.35 19 130 -0.36  2  39 -6.99 71 302|223 26  -85  38 64  -92| 90 GS              
 2007 05 17 02:59:36.33  -2.745  136.745 PDE| 34.0 5.5 2.2  17 |2.23 67 128  0.00 20 276 -2.23 11  10|124 38  124 264 59   67|100 GS              
 2007 06 16 21:52:34.99  -3.083  138.734 PDE| 22.0 5.6 2.7  17 |2.70 73  60  0.07 16 253 -2.77  4 162|235 44   66  87 51  111| 95 GS              
 2007 07 22 10:49:35.31  -2.797  141.660 PDE|  8.0 5.8 5.6  17 |5.54  9 181  0.10 33 276 -5.64 55  78|238 47 -139 117 62  -51| 96 GS              
 2007 07 22 14:20:43.88  -2.783  141.724 PDE|  9.0 5.8 5.5  17 |5.49  6 201  0.02 25 293 -5.51 64  99|265 45 -127 132 56  -59| 99 GS              
 2007 08 20 21:30:45.78  -5.395  140.874 PDE|                  |     60 230                    30  50|320 75   90 140 15   90|    GS              
 2007 10 26 09:10:41.16  -2.877  139.596 PDE| 14.0 5.3 1.2  17 |1.18 70 157  0.05 10 279 -1.23 16  12|117 30  111 274 62   78| 92 GS              
 2007 10 26 09:17: 4.88  -2.847  139.574 PDE|  8.0 5.4 1.8  17 |1.84 64 180 -0.18 17 310 -1.66 18  46|302 66   71 163 31  126| 80 GS              
 2007 12 22 07:11: 8.10  -2.407  139.067 PDE| 20.0 6.1 1.6  18 |1.62 38 156 -0.04 51 341 -1.58  2 248|300 62   28 196 66  149| 95 GS              
 2008 02 21 21:41:37.73  -2.146  138.962 PDE| 11.0 5.6 2.7  17 |2.74  8 135  0.00 81 308 -2.74  1  45|271 85    7 180 83  175|100 GS              

Latest USGS Fast Moment Tensor Solutions

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

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