Historic USGS Moment Tensor Solutions

Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 13:43:33 UTC

Historic Moment Tensor Solutions World Location
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

The most recent (20 or less) USGS Moment Tensor Solutions are shown.
Data from the Source Parameter Database.

                        E P I C E N T E R   |          MOMENT  |    P R I N C I P A L  A X E S       |N O D A L  P L A N E S | 
     DATE    TIME (UTC)   LAT      LONG  SRC|DEPTH     VAL  EX |     T            N            P     |     1           2     | %  SRC
  YR  MO DA HR MN SEC     deg      deg      |  km  Mw     Nm   |VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM|STK DP SLIP STK DP SLIP| DC
 2008 04 23 14:05:42.84  -3.860  131.446 PDE| 20.0 5.4 1.4  17 |1.10 63 190  0.47 20 325 -1.57 17  62|316 65   68 180 33  129| 40 GS              
 2008 08 04 20:45:13.97  -5.916  130.195 PDE|159.0 6.1 1.5  18 |1.28  9 138  0.43  8  46 -1.71 77 274|238 37  -76  41 55 -100| 50 GS              
 2009 04 03 13:37:58.51  -8.010  130.229 PDE| 15.0 5.5 2.6  17 |2.31 74 232  0.56 14  76 -2.87  6 345|268 53  108  59 41   67| 61 GS              
 2009 05 04 03:33:52.39  -3.541  135.500 PDE| 51.0 5.4 1.7  17 |1.64 89 188  0.18  0 317 -1.82  0  47|317 46   89 138 44   91| 80 GS              
 2009 09 25 09:06:13.18  -6.372  130.217 PDE|105.0 5.5 2.5  17 |2.37 50 277  0.26 37  76 -2.64 10 174|301 48  145  56 65   48| 80 GS              
 2009 10 24 14:40:43.72  -6.133  130.385 PDE|140.0 6.9 3.0  19 |3.34 34 292 -1.01 44  65 -2.32 25 183| 60 84   45 324 45  172| 40 GS              
 2009 12 26 08:57:27.72  -5.530  131.205 PDE| 83.0 6.1 1.7  18 |1.54 65 275  0.32 23 112 -1.87  6  19|310 55  119  86 44   55| 66 GS              
 2009 12 31 06:26:10.40  -2.008  137.452 PDE| 19.0 5.6 2.7  17 |2.90  0 137 -0.33 89 351 -2.58  0 227|272 89    0 182 90  179| 77 GS              
 2010 01 12 10:58:14.44  -5.417  133.731 PDE| 27.0 5.5 2.0  17 |1.91  9 250  0.15 46 350 -2.07 41 152|195 69  -39 301 54 -154| 86 GS              
 2010 03 26 10:39: 2.63  -6.326  130.284 PDE|117.0 5.7 4.1  17 |3.55 52 274  0.90 36  80 -4.45  7 175|300 50  142  57 62   47| 60 GS              
 2010 06 16 03:06: 2.42  -2.386  136.635 PDE| 26.0 6.2 2.4  18 |2.50 19 266 -0.09 63 131 -2.40 17   2|314 89  153  45 63    1| 93 GS              
 2010 06 16 03:16:27.55  -2.174  136.543 PDE| 24.0 7.0 4.5  19 |4.04  1 292  0.86 86 183 -4.90  2  23| 68 87   -1 158 89 -177| 65 GS              
 2010 09 26 12:12:41.71  -5.314  133.917 PDE| 30.0 5.8 6.9  17 |7.68 14 300 -2.13 35 200 -5.55 51  47| 67 44  -34 182 67 -129| 45 GS              
 2010 09 29 17:11:25.94  -4.963  133.760 PDE| 21.0 6.8 2.2  19 |2.55  4  91 -0.98  9   0 -1.56 80 202|190 42  -77 353 49 -102| 23 GS              
 2010 10 12 10:21:36.17  -4.915  133.710 PDE|  4.0 5.8 6.9  17 |4.70 15 100  3.22 58 345 -7.92 28 198|331 82 -149 236 59  -10| 19 GS              
 2010 11 03 11:18:15.57  -4.617  134.071 PDE| 17.0 5.9 9.2  17 |9.80  4 285 -1.32 85  69 -8.48  3 195|330 85  179  60 89    5| 73 GS              
 2010 11 12 02:14:46.22  -6.553  130.035 PDE|151.0 5.5 2.1  17 |2.23 26 263 -0.24 11 358 -1.99 61 109|182 72  -79 328 21 -122| 78 GS              
 2010 11 16 20:06:38.69  -5.897  130.700 PDE|110.0 5.4 1.6  17 |1.86 35 318 -0.63 55 142 -1.22  2  50|358 68  153 100 65   25| 32 GS              
 2010 11 26 17:36:11.79  -3.369  131.014 PDE| 14.0 5.8 5.8  17 |4.84 49 271  1.56 36 124 -6.41 17  21| 71 42   29 319 71  129| 51 GS              
 2010 12 04 12:55:11.37  -6.409  130.473 PDE|110.0 5.4 1.5  17 |1.60 25 273 -0.29 56  46 -1.31 22 173| 43 89   34 312 56  178| 64 GS              

Latest USGS Fast Moment Tensor Solutions

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver